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Detailed Pricing Plan: Foundation Prep-Package

Here we will go into how much each of our Prep-packages cost and what it exactly includes. As each package will have different intensities and might be what you're looking for.

Our Foundation Tier Package is the perfect starting point for your journey to medical school. With this package, you'll receive a thorough review of your personal statement, along with a 30-minute one-on-one consultation to help you craft a compelling narrative that stands out. Additionally, you'll gain access to two weeks of Medify membership, a leading UCAT preparation platform, and receive one-hour consultations at the end of each week to monitor your progress.

By choosing our Foundation Tier Package, you'll save £160 compared to purchasing these services individually, making it a cost-effective and comprehensive option for your medical school application.

UCAT Services

You'll gain two weeks of Medify membership, along with one-hour consultations at the end of each week, valued at £100.

Mock Interviews

Included are three mock interviews, worth £300.

Personal statement

By choosing this package, you'll receive one review of your personal statement, accompanied by a 30-minute one-on-one consultation, which would typically cost £50.

Foundation Prep-Package
Save £160
1 x Personal Statement review
2 weeks of Medify membership
3 x Mock Interviews
2.5 hours of 1-on-1 consultation
Free membership of medify


Trust by Students at top schools

We’ve been widening access to medical and dental schools since 2009. Our community of doctors, tutors and medical students constantly update our questions and practice tools to give you the best possible support in beating the UCAT.

Westminster School

Brampton Manor Academy

Newham Collegiate Sixth Form

St. Paul's School

Colchester County High School

Concord College

We are with you all the way

Every week with your own designated tutor, they will sit down with you during your UCAT period to discuss your progress and give you valuable tips where needed. They will also hold you accountable if you have not been present and using Medify as much as needed, this will only help discipline you further.